雀巢 Nestle 入主藍瓶咖啡 Blue Bottle - 咖啡討論

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2017-09-15T02:38

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Nestle buys majority stake in Blue Bottle Coffee

Reuters 路透社
SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 / 12:20 AM

Martinne Geller, Lisa Baertlein

瑞士製造商,也是全球最大的咖啡公司雀巢 Nestle 宣布入主美國精品連鎖
咖啡店藍瓶咖啡 Blue Bottle。本次交易並未透露實際成交金額,雀巢將擁有

剩下的部分算是比較瑣碎的部分恕無翻譯 Orz...

LONDON/LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Nestle has bought a majority stake
in Blue Bottle Coffee, stepping into the world of high-end
specialty coffee bars.

The Swiss maker of Nescafe instant coffee and Nespresso pods
announced the purchase on Thursday without disclosing financial

The move comes amid consolidation in the so-called third-wave
coffee sector in the United States. This market caters to
discerning customers who have grown up on Starbucks but have
progressed to more exotic coffee drinks coaxed from traditional
espresso machines or made by expert baristas.

Nestle, the world’s biggest coffee company, said that Blue Bottle
would continue to operate as a standalone entity and that current
management and employees would retain a minority stake.

California-based Blue Bottle has raised nearly $121 million in
funding from high-profile investors including Twitter co-founder
Ev Williams, Fidelity and GV (Google Ventures), according to data
compiled by Crunchbase.

The company operates minimalist-style coffee bars in major U.S.
cities and Japan. It expects to have 55 locations by the end of
2017, up from 29 at the end of last year. It also sells high-end
bottled coffee drinks and roast and ground coffee.

Editing by David Goodman




在米國他們的膠囊咖啡店都蠻潮 der

這下選擇直接入主 Blue Bottle

會是 1 + 1 > 2

還是噩夢的開始 ??





※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Coffee/M.1505414324.A.4E9.html
※ 編輯: Assisi (, 09/15/2017 02:40:35
impact999: 藍瓶豆不好喝 09/15 14:26
datamaker: 喝不慣,日本偏好深焙 09/15 21:06
xform: 德國JAB旗下的Peet’s也早就買下了Stumptown與Intelligents 09/15 21:59
xform: ia,在國外企業買來賣去的很正常 09/15 21:59
lf25231: 要爛囉 跟星x客一樣 09/17 10:58
callTM: Stumptown 是星巴買下吧....他要買她nitro 的專利 09/23 08:43
callTM: Intelligentia 有陣子下滑最近又回升了 09/23 08:44

Tags: 咖啡

All Comments

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2017-09-16T12:06
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2017-09-18T08:48
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2017-09-22T20:16
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2017-09-24T20:05
要爛囉 跟星x客一樣
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2017-09-29T19:50
Stumptown 是星巴買下吧....他要買她nitro 的專利
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2017-10-03T06:50
Intelligentia 有陣子下滑最近又回升了


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2017-09-15T01:50
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Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2017-09-14T15:31
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燃木咖啡烘焙工作室 熟豆分享

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2017-09-14T08:24
試喝豆:燃木配方 薪 用具:棉花罐、匿名退一圈、飲水機熱水 剛磨好的咖啡豆帶有濃郁的煙熏味, 香氣十足, 再繼續仔細會有一股微微的堅果/巧克力香味, 可能平常充中/淺焙的習慣了, 在室溫未加熱水下的咖啡粉的香味也十分濃厚, 悶蒸30秒之後開始沖泡, 咖啡香氣沒有粉來的強烈, ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2017-09-14T04:16
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燃木咖啡烘焙工作室 熟豆分享

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2017-09-14T00:58
打給晚安打給厚,小魯第一次在咖啡板發文很緊張 但這家給的豆子真的是好物,不分享會良心不安 如果口感描述上有什麼不精準,望請各位前輩包涵 上週五收到燃木工作室填表試喝的咖啡豆『薪』 收到當下早忘了填表要索取的焙度是啥反正就是一個口袋找到一百元的心態 家裡豆子還剩一點點喝完咦怎麼還有豆子可以再擋一杯 所以 ...