WBC Appoints Chang Executive Director - 咖啡討論

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2009-04-17T15:22

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恭喜cindy當選WBC Excutive Director
消息來自於WBC 4/13日發布的官方新聞


LONDON (April 14, 2009) – After an extensive six-month worldwide search and
interview process, Ms. Cynthia Chang has been appointed to the position of
Executive Director for the World Barista Championship (WBC).

Ms. Chang volunteered to serve the WBC and United States Barista Championship
(USBC) in 2003 and has since served on the Specialty Coffee Association of
America’s USBC Committee, as a Regional Coordinator for the WBC, and
recently as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors for the World Barista
In her role as Executive Director, Ms. Chang will serve as a leader,
visionary, ambassador and manager for the rapidly growing organization with
the responsibility of carrying out WBC objectives, while managing the needs
and expectations of a diverse group of international volunteers, sponsors and
competitors. The position reports directly to the organization’s Board of

Ms. Chang has been employed in the specialty coffee industry for her entire
career, beginning at a young age by working directly for the founders of
Caribou Coffee in Minneapolis, Minnesota. For the past 11 years, Ms. Chang
worked for Counter Culture Coffee of Durham, NC, where she most recently held
the position of Director of Development. At Counter Culture, her
responsibilities included the oversight of special programs, including the
company’s highly visible collaboration with the Culinary Institute of

The World Barista Championship is the world’s premier coffee competition,
drawing competitors from more than 50 nations to serve espresso, cappuccinos
and original signature drinks to a panel of judges. The 10th annual World
Barista Championship will be held 16-19 April 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia U.S.A.

Tags: 咖啡

All Comments


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2009-04-17T01:16
最近在玩愛樂壓 可是弄了幾次感覺味道都沒很好 我用它的量匙2匙豆量 用京瓷手搖調盡量最細(磨豆機沒有刻度) 先把熱水器的水倒在馬克杯 再倒進套桶到單位2的頂 攪拌5秒等10秒,再壓約20秒 出來咖啡沒有Crema,濾器上面氣孔好像有一點 先用歐舍肯亞M+ ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2009-04-16T21:22
家裡有台la pavoni的EBR, 之前都請店家磨豆子, 不過現在越喝越覺得現磨和非現磨的風味差太多了, 想買一台堪用的磨豆機,爬文在三千左右的有小飛馬和小飛鷹 但似乎沒有討論到適用espresso與否。 另外就是solis 166, 以前有一台不過刻度旋鈕被轉壞後就覺得他太脆弱= =, 請問 ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2009-04-16T20:25
台灣選手第一個上場 今天晚上11:00整上場準備 有興趣的人可以到WBC的官方網站看看 也一起祝福嘉銘可以拿到好成績^^ http://www.worldbaristachampionship.com/ -- http://simplekaffa.blogspot.com/ ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2009-04-16T15:57
非常感謝B大和G大的分享, 以及版友們在推文中的建議, 咖啡版上真是臥虎藏龍,各式人馬都有啊^__^ 15000元是我們使用的上限, 如果可以用越低的價錢買到學生適用的咖啡機 當然是最好囉!^^ (這筆錢不是班級設備費,而是其他課程的設備經費) 我本來很希望可以教學生用手沖咖啡, 但是近年來本校的特教班學生 ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2009-04-16T12:44
推前面B大的多層次教學 另外自己也覺得機器可以不用堅持一定要and#34;意式咖啡機and#34; 我自己也用過美式和法國壓教學生煮 其實and#34;煮咖啡and#34;就可以分好幾個步驟 以法國壓為例 可用分組的方式 高功能的請他秤咖啡粉並裝進壺中,中組的倒水加然後並算時間(可用鬧鐘提醒他) ...