BBC:Inside the Factory S4EP1 Coffee - 咖啡討論

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2018-07-19T01:04

Table of Contents

影音名稱 : Inside the Factory Series 4 : EP1 Coffee

片  長 : 59mins

上架日期 : 2018-07-17

觀看期限 : 29天

影音簡介 :

Gregg Wallace is in Derbyshire at an enormous coffee
factory where they produce 175,000 jars of instant coffee
every day. He follows the production of freeze-dried instant
coffee, from the arrival of 27 tonnes of Brazilian green
coffee beans right through to dispatch. Along the way he
chills out in a freezer cooled to -46 degrees Celsius and
discovers how they give you that hit of freshly brewed
coffee smell when you pierce the foil lid. They extract the
aroma and put it back in just before the instant coffee
granules head into the jars.

Meanwhile, Cherry Healey learns about the chemistry of
coffee. She finds that roasting alters its chemical
composition, and listens for the 'first crack'as steam
splits the bean along its seam. She also goes cold turkey
on caffeine, giving up her coffee habit for five days to
understand how this most commonly used psychoactive drug
affects her body and brain. She discovers that the caffeine
withdrawal headache is due to increased blood flow to the
brain. And she is at Kew Gardens, where they have concerning
evidence revealing that climate change is affecting coffee
harvests worldwide. Cherry samples a brew made from the beans
of a coffee species that could cope in these warmer growing
conditions, and which could ensure a future for the daily

Historian Ruth Goodman investigates the origins of
instant coffee. She tastes a version that looks very like
axle grease which was drunk during the American Civil War
in the 1860s, and finds out why it began being reffered to
as 'a cup of Joe'. She also visits the site of the UK's
very first coffee house, which sprang up in a London
churchyard in 1652, and learns that the early passion
for coffee led to the founding of modern institutions,
including the Stock Exchange, auction houses and newspapers.


Inside the Factory Series 4 : EP1 Coffee


簡介連結 : (同下)

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Tags: 咖啡

All Comments

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2018-07-19T20:48
感謝分享 ,好看。
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2018-07-24T05:50


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2018-07-18T17:58
大家好,最近小弟在水管上看到幾部西西里冰咖啡的廣告(業配) 覺得似乎是蠻有趣的口感 於是搜尋了一下作法 STEP BY STEP跟著做了一次 作法大概是檸檬削皮加入砂糖一起醃,放置六小時以上 然後加入咖啡(濃縮或是濃度較高的手沖)以及冰塊一起搖勻 但就在滿滿期待喝下第一口後 整個苦味及酸味在口中爆炸 尤其不 ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2018-07-17T21:47
※ 引述《YMMUR ( )》之銘言: : ※ 文章網址: : 推 b199059x: 可以問問烘豆師有沒有建議沖煮參數 07/15 21:53 : → for ...

徵二手小飛鷹 or 小飛馬

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2018-07-16T23:03
徵二手小飛鷹 or 小飛馬 台中可面交 麻煩來信說明磨豆機使用狀況及報價 謝謝 - ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2018-07-16T22:32
大家好 如題,小弟最近從好市多購入那組Hario冰滴咖啡壺 但今天第一次使用發現滴的速度很像有點太快了。 50g的咖啡粉搭配600ml的水只滴了不到20分鐘就結束了 過程中有把裝水的上壺拿起來看,發現下方濾紙那邊都積水有一定高度了 想請問各位前輩這樣正常嗎? 會是我這個矽膠滴水閥流太快嗎? PS ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2018-07-16T22:09
各位版友好: 請大家幫我填個簡單的問卷, 主題為咖啡飲用者之習慣調查! (若不喝咖啡請勿作答唷) 很簡單的10個題目(單選題), 問卷連結為以下 小女清寒,只能給小小的答禮, 提供前50份有效問卷每人100P(稅前) 請記 ...