二月生/熟豆團 Cafe Imports: 哥倫比亞 - 咖啡討論
![Bethany avatar](/img/woman-ring.jpg)
By Bethany
at 2014-02-06T22:10
at 2014-02-06T22:10
Table of Contents
Huila, Filo de Chiriurco 180g + Nariño, Buesaco 180g +
Huila, La Cumbre 180g + Huila, El Cacho 180g
共 720g, 900元, 免運。
單點與生豆部分包含:90+ Tchembe, 茵赫特 Yellow Catuai, Pancum 等
收件時間: 2/10~2/26 皆可選!
使用的烘豆機為,貝拉/楊家 Mini 500
前兩支咖啡,來自美國知名生豆商 Cafe Imports的 ACES系列(ACES offering)。
從去年開始,Cafe Imports 開始在哥倫比亞進行名為 "1 Million Pesos!"
的尋豆計劃,當樣本杯測分數 90 分以上,就直接以高於市價兩倍以上收購!
今年從 1250 個樣本中,一共只找到來自四個產區、15 個生產者、183 袋的生豆。
Huila & Nariño!(常譯為薇拉與娜玲瓏)
直接以 Fedex 空運方式進口,目前應該是臺灣獨家!
1. Huila - Filo De Chiriurco
產區: Pitalito, Huila “薇拉(烏伊拉省)”
生產者: Los Arboles by Arley Delgado Ortiz
品種: Caturra
處理方式:為時 18 小時的水洗發酵過程,和 14 天的拱形溫室乾燥(18
Hours Fermentation and 14 Days Parabolic Drying)。
Cupping Notes: "Intense and rich with lemon, caramel, floral,
currant and mango flavors")
2. Nariño - Buesaco
Buesaco 為哥倫比亞娜玲瓏(納里尼奧省)西側的高海拔小城。在哥倫比亞,
產區: Buesaco, Nariño “娜玲瓏(納里尼奧省)”
海拔: 1900 m
生產者: William Santacruz
品種: Caturra
(Traditional Fermentation and Sun Dried)。
(CI Cupping Notes: "Complex, elegant, tangy and juicy with
tart cherry, peach and white grape flavors.")
另外兩支,為 Cafe Imports選自 "Best of Huila"競賽的批次。這個競賽
在上個產季末(去年七月)舉辦,從 92個生產者中經過五天的杯側,選出
最好的 20個批次:
3. Huila - Finca La Cumbre - Luis Carlos Guzman
產區: Guadalupe, Huila “薇拉(烏伊拉省)”
海拔: 1600 m
生產者: La Cumbre
品種: Colombia, Caturra and Castillo
處理方式:全水洗,與日曬乾燥(Fully Washed and Sun Dried)。
(CI Cupping Notes: " Creamy and citric with cinnamon and dark
4. Huila - Finca El Cacho - Tomas Rodriguez
產區: Palermo, Huila “薇拉(烏伊拉省)”
海拔: 1600 m
生產者: El Cacho
品種: 60% Caturro and 40% Colombia
(Traditional Fermentation and Sun Dried)。
(CI Cupping Notes: "Creamy, intense sweet and savory with clove and
All Comments
![Yedda avatar](/img/cat1.jpg)
By Yedda
at 2014-02-10T01:19
at 2014-02-10T01:19
![Victoria avatar](/img/cat2.jpg)
By Victoria
at 2014-02-13T16:42
at 2014-02-13T16:42
![Eden avatar](/img/cat3.jpg)
By Eden
at 2014-02-17T03:03
at 2014-02-17T03:03
![Sierra Rose avatar](/img/cat3.jpg)
By Sierra Rose
at 2014-02-19T16:32
at 2014-02-19T16:32
![Gary avatar](/img/cat4.jpg)
By Gary
at 2014-02-22T16:24
at 2014-02-22T16:24
![Olive avatar](/img/cat5.jpg)
By Olive
at 2014-02-26T00:07
at 2014-02-26T00:07
![Madame avatar](/img/cat4.jpg)
By Madame
at 2014-02-28T10:59
at 2014-02-28T10:59
![Belly avatar](/img/cat5.jpg)
By Belly
at 2014-03-04T20:43
at 2014-03-04T20:43
![Kumar avatar](/img/girl.jpg)
By Kumar
at 2014-03-06T05:20
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